
2017-11, Backpacking @ Mammoth Cave Natl. Park

We began by meeting at the church Friday evening, We loaded up our gear and got on the road quickly. When all of us arrived at the park, we set up camp and laid out cracker barrel as both patrols. That night, we heard a  lot of coyotes howling, which was a suprise. In the morning, the patrols split, and we went down different trails.

Our patrol began down Raymer Hollow Trail. Raymer Hollow was a wide, beautiful trail with a lot to see, a perfect hike for new guys! We had a lunch of cheese and summer sausage bagels at the intersection between Raymer Hollow and Collie Ridge trails.

After lunch, we trekked down Collie Ridge Trail. It was a very muddy trail with a lot of horse evidence (if you know what I mean), despite the obstacles, it was fun to hike. When we reached another intersection, this time back on Raymer Hollow, we found a random Port-A-Potty that was a HUGE hit with some of the scouts (once again, A HUGE hit!).

We hiked a little bit before we reached our camp. Our camp was a nice, little camp, isolated from the rest of the world. That night we ate a dinner of chicken alfredo, had campfire, and went straight to bed.

That next morning, we woke up, broke down camp, got water, and ate breakfast as quick as we could. We were wanting to get home and shower. After we got news that the other patrol hiked their ENTIRE distance just the day before and camped the same place we all did Friday night, we were EXTRA desperate to get done. We hiked as fast as we could, ate a super quick lunch, and got over with at about 2 in the afternoon.

We had a very good trip and we were all proud, especially the new kids. Not to mention this was the longest 1st backpacking trip for new scouts

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